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February 2021 Event - World Nutella Day

User Profile: blitheEmbrace27
blitheEmbrace27 February 6th, 2021

Hey everyone!!

Happy Friday! We all made it through another week, yay!! Today also happens to be world Nutella day!

What is world Nutella day?

On February 5th, 2007 Sara Rosso, an American who loved Nutella thought it deserved its own day of celebration.

World Nutella day can be celebrated by sharing recipes, what you love Nutella with, sharing pictures of Nutella creations, etc.

Nutella is a yummy chocolate hazel spread that can be put on toast, used in recipes, used to dip fruit in, the possibilities are endless!

Let’s share our love for Nutella!

1. Do you have a favourite recipe that uses?

2. Do you have a favourite way to have Nutella?

3. Did you make something with Nutella you would like to share? Link your picture here!

4. If you haven’t had Nutella before would you like to try it?

All sources used from

Taglist: @065appi @1234567891011 @1BRAVEWOMAN @1mmisnow @1oveis10ve @4DarkSouls @50firstLates @7cupsofkindness @7cupsofteaDG @aaliuaa @Abby @Abby123407 @ac2021203 @Acheloisthehealer20 @adaptableBalloon1556 @AdaptableMess @adrjust1 @affectionateapricot210 @affectionateVase7410 @agreeableBalloon9122 @agreeableSail1544 @Ahnya @Aidedplacebo @Aiden @Aishaomarx @ajb03 @akliis @akm07 @ALCAEUS @Alessia15 @AliceAllAlone @Alise281 @allnaturalNight50 @allyswift @alphatrifemale @alwaysfuckingsad @amberjpeg @amberleanne @amiablePal9825 @amicableCircle2403 @amidnightsdream @amusingHuman5441 @amusingorange1996 @amyyy2002 @Andi @AndPeggy07 @Angelinaclark @Anna @Annabanana1014 @Annie65 @AnnMarie0711 @annmarieavann @Anonymous2309 @AoiTsubasa @aquaPal1570 @Arachibutyrophobia1 @archerzvy @ArianaTalent24 @arielf06 @Arieswarwithin @Arishen @Arnav012568 @arnoldziffler1 @Artume @asgravity @asheroo92 @ashleykae @AsifAbro @ASilverLining @astray @AstronomySkies @AThingCalledPax @Aubrey2018 @autismaunt14 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@limegreen @limegreenRaiseberry2313 @limeLion2866 @Liru0417 @LissaBert @ListenMoreTalkLess @littleBear2018 @Littleblu @littleCup5877 @LittleMissSkittles @littlePomegranate9703 @Littlepurplelady @Littleredx @Liv @Lizaki03 @Ljune @lmaosadhoe @locsoflovin @Lola2008 @Lollipop92 @LorryLulu @Lotusbomb @Lov3TheW0rld @lovekiary @Lovelaughspread72 @LovelyKittyCat @lovelymaple1313 @lovelySunshine13 @LoveonmyArm @loyalFig7105 @lublueskies @lucidpanic @Lumbeyl @Luna902 @lunaAristarchus2609 @LunaMoonbeam @lyricalAngel70 @MAB23 @Mablue @mackenziemeyer14 @Madaraismyspiritanimal @Maddheda @maedhbh9 @mahoganyecho @MaisieDaisy @mamahunley4 @Mamamia3439 @MangleTheFox21 @MargoLabyrinth @marie86 @Marieagate @Markysim1 @marmusci @MarryDoe @MarthaBarbie @mary31 @mattlookslikeshalissa @Maxy @Me @medhaisme @mediocrebox @Meeliepuppy @Meeshyell @mel2301 @Melancholymel @Mell20 @Mellietronx @melliotm @melodyenola @memelord20 @memelord500 @Memi @menigma @menucha @Merily @michael182q @michaelslittletummy @mikaylaNW @Milk666 @Minardi @Mindflight @Mischief14 @missellencat @Missjoann13 @MissRoxxy @Mitowski @mjpena97 @Mkkayj @modestSpring5904 @modestWatermelon2938 @Mollymlj @MommyLoopsy30 @monsoonGreen @moonchild95 @MoonlightDreamsx @moonlqght @Moosepotato123 @morisawa @MorningStar610 @mrcheeeku @MsMiniMe @munchkin4065 @Munchkin4065 @MyNameIsNicole @MyRealityCheck @Myusername2011 @Nagisa @nagito10 @Namangoel2002 @Nans17 @NashAnnie @navyBlueberry2704 @navyCup9626 @navyFarm1407 @navylady @ncvtncne @neatNickel2352 @Neonpaint21 @neonTiger7326 @NeWoman @nicepens @niceTangerine6642 @NicoAce @Nicola2468 @NihilNovi @NikaBee @Nikkijay @No715 @Nonalia3 @nonethewiser @notabiohazard @NothingGold @Nothingnew14 @NotKhan @NotQuiteBlue @NyxRayne @oblongfeather08 @obsessivecompulsivegear @Oceanicmuses @oceanwaves18 @Ocendade @Oddisseus53 @odysseywillow @offthebeat @OhSnapItsAngel @OliveCar4161 @oliveCurrent2548 @olivePeach1730 @OnceaCoward @OneErased @OneOddSock @oneofthequietkids @orange88 @OutdatedOatmeal @owo123 @Oxymoron6demon @p5ycheD3lia @paeans @PaisleyPark5686 @papervillages @parisaegyo @parisayano @partymaggotz @passionateMango2156 @passionateScarf4465 @passionateVillage3891 @Patastrophic @Peacefuloasis47 @peachPomegranate7908 @peatmosspots @PerfectStorm426 @Peridotchick @persistentTortoise5298 @Pessimist8 @Phillips23 @philosophicalNickel211 @photojenny @physalisBerries72 @Pineapples0000 @pinkfloydlover26 @Pinkstar87 @pinkThinker6194 @pinkTiger254 @Pinnae @pioneeringOak9594 @Pizano5 @placidRaspberries @Plennnnty @pluckyHuman2264 @plumTown3692 @PlumWatermelon1278 @plumYard3321 @PMPVictory @poisontongue @politeHuman4463 @Ponderosa5 @potatofriend @potatoxcrispztrish @practicalideal2007 @PrincessLuci15 @princesspp @proactivePear6876 @Proxalina @purpleButterfly24 @Purplecrow963 @PurpleDragon717 @PurpleSky17 @Pussinboots @Pypt @Quartzis @queenvenom1 @quickwittedMoon5368 @quietDime4559 @QuinnieBunnie @QuirkyAnne @RaelynAnn2003 @Rainesade @Ratheruncreativescreenname @Raya501 @Rebekahwriter13 @Reboot85 @redBanana192 @redBranch7701 @Redhawk6547 @Reeseyreese @Regan003 @Regina @reliableGlobe3947 @repen13 @reservedVillage7837 @resourcefulAcai4332 @Richietozierr @Rimaalmare13 @Risa15 @Robbiee144 @RockyMountainHigh899 @Rosa9570 @rosaliemcrx @RoseLaurens13 @rosymaplemoth @Rosypink06 @row10ally @rvyxz @Sabrina3886 @SachaB @Saeraleis @Sail46 @SAIman @SammyLouise @sandrahjames @saphiz @sashoodle @Savchambo @SavoyTruffle20 @scales316 @scarletKitten9827 @ScarletPear1945 @scarletWheel8308 @scftsunlight @secretGrapefruit302 @SecretlyMe @Secretowl7379 @SelfDestructiveReconstruction @Sensitivebean42 @SentientCozyTeacup @Serena44 @SeySteve @Shadeshack @Shaiya365 @Sham @shannaeshanyan @Shanti41 @Shapey226 @shininglove75 @ShrutiScarlet @SiennaSierra @Sillyghost @silveronyxx @silverRainfall65 @SincereFan3762 @Sirenbabe91 @Skafa1214 @SkyMartinez @smallturtle7 @SmileEmmy @Socialtiger1633 @SoftForestHSP77 @Softjoy55 @Solitaryshadow @sometinylight @sonzz @SparklingSnowflake15 @SPeard @Spencer @spiritwolf75 @Sqllover928 @squidbob101 @SquirrellyOranged @Stark3 @starkmechanic3000 @StarNoStar @stayingsanne @StormySeas88 @str8calistyle @Strauberryjam @Stuntic @Stymied1982 @Sudieq @Sue @Sues4958 @Suhlkia @suicideisnttheanswer @sujaypai @suling1986 @Sumar2 @Summerlove15 @sunflowercherish @Sunflowerdarkness @Sunflowerpink @sunnyComputer6391 @SunnyGab @SunnyTea @sunnyZebra2336 @sunshine2118 @SunshineGiraffe123 @SuperStar8708 @sybp15 @sympatheticPeach9041 @SynSavory @taetaemari233 @TalonBatt34 @tassoo @taushah1023 @taylorjensen @teapls @Teelee73 @Tellyc @Thanx9871 @TheAutumnWitch @TheEvilQueenReadsToo @TheLonerWolfy @TheoRae8289 @ThePizza @thepotatochip @ThereseBrun @thesameboat26 @TheStarsShineBrightButIShineBrighter @TheTiredThespian @Thomas @ThomasHs @ThreeFires @Tiredoftreading @Tlovins1997 @tluper6491 @tobecontinued @Tomboyktm @toofarfrommyself @Torin @totheskyandbeyond @toughCircle8376 @toughGrapes7554 @Tracee @tranquilForever68 @trashrubbish @TreatYouBetter @Trigger31 @TrustNLove @TryingToBeOptomistic @turquoiseGrapefruit8097 @twittwoo123 @TylerRadford @Undefinedandundertermind01 @undefinedKeionaaaking @uneasymadi @unknowndarkangel @Vee1789 @Venturingbunny @Veronica @versatileTree3405 @VerseArt @warmheartedCity185 @warmheartedYard8668 @Whatever33 @WhimsicalDancer @whoamieven00 @whoopsitsm @wildatheart88 @wildOnee @WildUnknown @willyishere @wiltingbee @WintersSnow78 @witchrose @WithGraceIWillHeal @Wobblyflower @WolfGirlKari @WolfieSparks @Wonderlife @wonderousMoon5570 @wtwta @Xaap @xEllie02 @xkatie2020 @xxsaharaxx @YaboiRogers @yaya @Yayoe10 @ye @YellowButtercups @yellowracecar0605 @yeriroo @YouCanCallMeShawn @YoungDad @yourbestfriend2 @YourQueen33 @Youssefabass @Zahrasepiani @Zammn @Zenidog327 @Zoxme

User Profile: Totheskyandbeyond
Totheskyandbeyond February 6th, 2021

Sounds so nice and tempting. Yumm.

User Profile: Daf8
Daf8 February 6th, 2021

heart @blitheEmbrace27 heart

heart Thank you for the post! I think that we can celebrate not only the Nutella itself, but how we feel when we have it, too! For example, I just purely nom this sweet blessing, and it reminds me of good times and makes me feel good! Feel free to celebrate the beautiful Nutella, and you heart

User Profile: kdsyahirah
kdsyahirah February 6th, 2021


Now I know that It's the world nutella's day. It's such a nice suprise for me. Thanks for sharing this info. By the way, after reading this thread, I'm automatically hungry now. So, gotta go :D

User Profile: Celaeno
Celaeno February 6th, 2021

Why didn't I know about that? I love nutella! Sadly I have not been eating for quite a long time, but I think for such a joyous occasion I should treat myself ^^;

Simple recipes are the best. Nutella on the toast or just on the simple waffles - it always brings me childhood memories when my Dad would prepare it for us as a treat 💗

User Profile: SynSavory
SynSavory February 7th, 2021


1. Do you have a favourite recipe that uses?

2. Do you have a favourite way to have Nutella?

3. Did you make something with Nutella you would like to share? Link your picture here!

4. If you haven’t had Nutella before would you like to try it?

So yummy! I liked eating it on bread when I was little but my parents said no because it's chocolate spread lol and they were worried it was unhealthy. I haven't made anything with it.

User Profile: Rin333
Rin333 February 22nd, 2021

I know I'm reaaally late, but turns out World Nutella Day is my birthday! O: Justifies my love for Nutella, lol. I like eating it on toast or just straight out the jar hehe.

User Profile: lyricalAngel70
lyricalAngel70 February 22nd, 2021


1. Do you have a favourite recipe that uses?

Not a recipe but I love adding Nutella to ice-creams - mix them well & then have it. heart

2. Do you have a favourite way to have Nutella?

The classic way of having Nutella heart

3. Did you make something with Nutella you would like to share? Link your picture here!

Well, I have never tried that but I would love to do that someday.

4. If you haven’t had Nutella before would you like to try it?

We never run short of Nutella & we always have it in our refrigerator because my younger sister loves it a lot.

User Profile: KristinHelps
KristinHelps February 22nd, 2021

@blitheEmbrace27 my favorite way of using nutella is on toast, such a yummy snack/breakfast if so!heart

User Profile: akay06
akay06 February 22nd, 2021

I love making a Nutella, banana, and strawberry crepe as my sweet crepe and a bacon with cheddar crepe as my savory crepe for a little sweet and savory breakfast.

User Profile: LilacKalypso9
LilacKalypso9 February 22nd, 2021

@blitheEmbrace27 Generally I don't have a specific sweet recipe I make with Nutella. Enjoying it on a slices of white bread or brown bread is the best way to go about it, in my opinion. I'd definitely be open to try it out in different ways, though😍