What It
1. What was beautiful may look ugly, flat, or even sinister
2. When this reality shift happens, its difficult to remember or believe what seemed normal before the episode.
3. The person cant remember feeling the love, and cant feel it during the episode, and thus concludes he or she never felt it.
4. Even if nothing was wrong before the episode, everything seems wrong when it descends.
a. Everything is irritating; Work is boring and unbearable; Any activity takes many times more effor; What was challenging feels overwhelming; what was sad feels unbearable; what felt joyful feels pleasureless.
5. Feel isolated
6. Feel terrible shame about the actions depression dictates
7. Anything that had given the person a sense of value or self-esteem vanishes
For details http://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/inside-head-depressed-person-0110134
@BeautifulMindLetsTalk This is a great way to help others understand even a tenth of how it feels to be stuck inside the Depressed Mind. Thank you immensely for this post-- I hope people refer it to their friends, partners, and family who don't seem to be able to "get it" regarding what it is like to be trapped in the dark like we are all too often. Well done! <3