So many ways to be happy
Hey guys,
I am back. It has been a very long time since I have written a post. There is many reasons to why I have taken so long to come back here and help you awesome people is because I have struggled with a lot of my own personal things. But I am back.
To kick off my blog writing again I am going to be talking about so ways to become happy to keep yourself feeling happy.
Around this time of year so many people always find it hard to focus on the happy things in there life. They can sometimes feel depressed and only focus on that. It can be really hard to even think about focusing on positive things.. Nothing feels easy.
This happens for some time and can be difficult to shake off.
But this is where our positive things need to grow some big strong arms and fly higher than ever.
Things you can do to make you feel happier.
1) have a happy playlist on your music
2) watch your favourite film
3) Burn your favourite candle
4) hang around with your friends/family
5) read a good book
6) treat yourself
7) eat your favouritemeal
8) do something creative
There is more ways to become happier like being optomistic. by surrounding yourself with good things and good people. Helping people out. even if it's just buying a homeless person a coffee or a warm meal that can make you feel happy..or suprizing someone with a gift.
Recently I went and watched a film in the cinema called ' The theory of everything'
It was such an eye opening film for me. It taught me that life can get touch and that things can seem like they will never get better but the thing is, things do get better,
I souly recommend this film to everyone.
Remember everyone there are people around to talk to ALWAYS around
Welcome back Leeann!
Awesome post, this is very helpful for those that are struggling with depression actually! Or anyone in general who is having a hard time :)
Great idea Leeann! It can be so hard to remember to do those little things that enrich our lives when we feel depressed, having a list is a great reminder! Thanks for the suggestion :)
Great advice, thank you for your positive outlook on life.
I really like this post <3