Depression rehab centers
I am posting this because I want to hear from people that have experience going to rehab for depression. I want to know more about it. I am considering going to one. I know it will be super expensive so finding something affordable would be nice. I can't spend the rest of my life like this. I have lost zero motavation to do anything. I need to have a strict everyday dig in deep sessions. I need at least a week or two to perform the habit. I want to enjoy life so much. I am just not strong enough to come back with out help. So please post below negatives and postives about your experience. Did it help you?
@orangeYard778 - Hi lovely, I'm sorry that you didn't get a reply to this when you initially posted. I do think it's an important question and one that likely many people have, so I want to bump it back up and see if it gets any responses. Did you end up going? What did you find?