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Depression Self-Help Modules & Workbook: "Back from the Bluez" by the Centre for Clinical Interventions

User Profile: summertimeSamness
summertimeSamness January 9th, 2019

Check out this free online workbook for living with depression! It is broken down into 9 learning modules or sections that you can print out and complete on your own. Explore the modules below and let us know in a reply how it worked out for you!

Module 1: Overview of Depression

Module 2: Behavioural Strategies for Managing Depression

Module 3: The Thinking-Feeling Connection

Module 4: The ABC Analysis

Module 5: Unhelpful Thinking Styles

Module 6: Detective Work and Disputation

Module 7: The End Result

Module 8: Core Beliefs

Module 9: Self Management

Visit the CCI website:

User Profile: Melapple5
Melapple5 January 11th, 2019


This is very useful! Thank you for posting this, I will definitely be looking into this.

User Profile: FaithfulPrune9638
FaithfulPrune9638 January 11th, 2019


Thanks! I'll check it out.

User Profile: blossombreathe
blossombreathe January 24th, 2019


Awesome! I'll have a look into it.

User Profile: rapbattle
rapbattle January 31st, 2019


Seems very useful and helpful, thank you

User Profile: Evechen
Evechen January 31st, 2019

@summertimeSamness Thanks so much!

User Profile: blossombreathe
blossombreathe February 9th, 2019


This is great! Thanks!

User Profile: Laura
Laura February 14th, 2019


wow thank you for sharing these!

User Profile: ThePeacefulOliveTree
ThePeacefulOliveTree May 5th, 2019

Is any of you blame yourself for feeling happy? I've been trying to get better and deal with the trauma that I've experienced but when I feel happy or I forget what I'm dealing with, my brain tells me to stop and feel worse. I feel like I shouldn't be happy and when I feel bad, my brain relaxes. I don't know if that makes sense and I want to learn if I'm alone dealing with a that kind of situation.

2 replies
User Profile: cloudySummer
cloudySummer May 5th, 2019

@TheOliveTreeLookingForPeace Yes, that's a common thought. Your brain isn't used to what it experiences, it tries to get back to what it knows so well, to feel 'at home'. Remember it's just a thought. You don't need to believe it. Personally, I think you have every right to be happy when you feel like it.

1 reply
User Profile: ThePeacefulOliveTree
ThePeacefulOliveTree May 5th, 2019

@cloudySummer thank you so much for responding and supporting! You're so kind 😊

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