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Thoughts on telling employer about illness?

greyinbetween April 1st, 2016

Ive been in a depressive episode for over 5 months now. At first it wasn't affecting my ability to do my job which is in management, but lately this mental fog I'm in has left me dropping the ball a few times. I don't want to get fired but I need more flexibility in my schedule to take care of my mental health so that I can do my job better. I feel like if I do share my struggles with my supervisors, they will feel that I am incompetent and replace me. I know there are ADA laws to protect against this type of discrimination, but I'm not sure what I should do?

andycandy April 1st, 2016

@greyinbetween I have always heard that it is best not to tell them because it has potential to cause so many problems. Can you get time off from work to deal with things? Maybe you can tell them you need time off for medical reasons and get a note from a doctor. They have no right to inquire about the nature of your health issues.

AdVictoriam April 1st, 2016


This is a delicate situation, and I believe much of it will be dependent on your judgement because your relationship with your supervisors, the company culture, and the possible stigma of mental health can make opening up easier or harder.

This ABC Article on disclosing mental illnesses in the workplace gives some good insight.

I do think disclosing the mental illness consdition can be helpful at some level because it allows your superiors to know that this lapse in work performance is something that you have noticed and that you are taking steps to address it. I do not know what sort of stigmas depression may hold and if it would be necessary to mention the type of illness that you are dealing with.

In any case, I wish you the best of luck <3 Depression is a terrible beast, and we are here to help you throuh it

RaspberryPenguin2166 April 6th, 2016

I would not disclose to your employer that you are suffering from a mood disorder. The stigma is still there despite the advances that have been made. Do what you need to in order to help yourself. If you're desperate to take time off say you're having surgery or something. There are some times that telling a white lie is acceptable. Your health concerns are not your employer's business unless they will have a direct negative impact on the company (ie you have a contagious disease, or have an illness that may entail sudden and unexpected departure from the company). Good luck!