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Some questions ...

sorrowfulApple9 May 5th, 2015

1) Is depression constant sadness everyday?
2) What do you do if you think you have depression but your parents dont listen
3) How to cope?

Upbeat May 5th, 2015

Hello there dear, apple :) I send huggs.

here it goes--->

1) Depression is bleeding, without knowing where the cut is, is drowning on the surface. Is so hard to deal with depression, because when you are depressed is hard to deal with everything, is hard to deal with life, is hard breathing. But we need to keep going, we need to be strong, for us and for the people who love us. And with support and help and friends and family, we will get there, we just need to be a little patiente, and it will be okay.
you can't really compare sadness. there are different kinds of miseries. some last long some don't .

2) You can definitely find real support here on 7 cups, actually! I too struggle with depression, and at times I do feel alone - coming on 7 cups and talking it out with someone who genuinely cares and wants to help and listen! But if 7 cups doesn't work out for you, that is perfectly fine! You can find a local therapist on this website:

With my experience, when you can't find the support you need from family or friends, I found it best to try to reach a hand out to a teacher,boss, or co-worker that you trust most. Honestly, they care for you more then most realise.

3)The best way to cope when you are feeling like this because of your depression is to set and achieve goals. I know it sounds like such an effect to do anything but doing something new or challenging can help your depression. The best way to improve your mental health is to be active, stay connected with friends and family and learn new things. Don't let the depression drown you, like you said it's all you know. Learn something new and learn a new way to cope with things and you'll pick that option instead of drowning in depression.
Going outside, exercising (this will increase the level of dopamine in your blood, a hormon that makes you feel happy). This is almost a natural anti-depressiva
Spend some time every thinking about things in your life that make you happy, even the smallest things like the wind, or or trees can bring joy to your life and help lift you up.

seachel09 May 10th, 2015

Depression can manifest in many ways. Changes in sleep and appetite, loss of interest, fatigue, and physical pain can all be indicators of depression. You may ask your parents to take you to a psychologist/psychiatrist just to see (it's usually covered by most insurances) or have a teacher or another trustedadulttalk to them for you. Never stop reaching out. If you are feeling depressed or negative emotions of any kind it's ok to find someone to listen.

xoflyy May 11th, 2015

Some lovely answers by Kash and Seachel. I thought I'd add my response as well.

1) Is depression constant sadness everyday?

Depression has depth and multiple layers. One of which is sadness yes, but it's not the only emotion connected to depression. Perhaps if it were only sadness that would make it easier to deal with but its not. Constantly you usually do feel something but that isnt always sadness, sometimes for some of us, you cant even identify what it is that youre feeling at that moment. It's like a blanket or a cloud, always holding you down with one emotion or the other. There's always something bad to feel.

2) What do you do if you think you have depression but your parents dont listen.

Depression is a serious mental illness and should be taken as seriously as a broken bone. However, it is also extrememly scary to admit that it may be real. It's also hard for our loved ones to understand how much we're hurting when they cant see a physical reason as to why. If you feel you may need help though it is very important to seek it out if you can. If you can't there are many self help resources online that you can find, also obviously, 7 cups as well. ^_^ But if your parents won't listen and you think you need help perhaps you can find another trusted adult to speak with about whats going on. A trusted family friend, a teacher, a school counsellor. I'm not sure how it works where you live, but if you're over a certain age you can still go to a doctor and receive help.

3) How to cope?

Everyday is it's own special battle so developing some ways to cope specifically to you is very important. My coping methods vary depending on how instense the feelings or whats going on that day. Most of the time I look for feel good distractions. So, 7 cups, reading, video games, excercise, bubble bath, cleaning, music, etc. But other times I just really need a person, not necessarily to talk to me about my feelings but just to talk to in order to not feel so alone. That's where my family and friends and 7 cups come into play.

I hope some if this can help you on your journey, and I wish you well wishes. Take care.