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Peer with depression?

quietquestions March 10th, 2015

I've recently learned that a person I go to school with is depressed and has attempted suicide twice. His family knows of his illness and he goes to therapy but no one else is supposed to know. I don't know if I should I reach out to him and if so what I would say since I am not supposed to know about any of this. I am so so worried he will try to kill himself again and I couldn't handle the guilt of having not said anything. I have one class with him but I don't think he even knows my name. I have no idea how to tell him that I have also have dealt with suicidal thoughts and that I'm always here to talk without coming across as strange considering I've never talked to him before.

ZaraSmiles August 10th, 2016


Wow, this sounds like a situation with quite a few mixed emotions. On one hand, you don't want to come across as intrusive for knowing something you don't, as you stated. But on the other, you don't want to be a bystander and do nothing, when you've undergone a similar experience. If you return, sweets, I hope you'll let us know how it went. <3

Claire91 August 10th, 2016


Hi there,

I agree with Zara. It is a difficult situation with mixed emotions. I think it's really kind and thoughtful of you to care about your classmate. It is a tough situation, because you don't want him to feel uncomfortable, but since we can't read minds, maybe he would really appreciate a peer who understands and has been in a similar situation. Have you considered talking to a school guidance counselor (or possibly your own therapist, if you see one) about this? Perhaps they could offer insight as to how best to manage this situation, and what you could maybe do to help your peer but also make sure you're taking care of yourself. I wouldn't want you to be in a situation of feeling guilty and anxious because of worries about your peer commiting suicide (although this is certainly an understandable way to feel). Also, I think at the very least, perhaps if there's a class project, you can find a way to partner up with him, or maybe right before or after class find a way to make small talk and find common interests. Maybe a friendship will blossom out of that, and he'll open up to you if he needs to. Though again, if this were to happen, make sure you take care of yourself too!

Best of luck, and let us know how it goes <3