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Maoi parnate success and augment

Brklyn1123 May 5th

Hi all I'm a newbie to this site and this is my first post here goes 

I'm a 20 year veteran of painful immense severe treatment resistant depression

I've come to hate and despise most current meds ssris mainly for the damage they caused me 

I'm currently on a handpicked by me potent med combo

It consists first of the MAOI antidepressant parnate.

Second the stimulant Adderall because both parnate alone and Adderall ALONE are both useless ineffective thrash however upon awakening I take both innediatly imnediatly together back to back 

When I do this there's a spark I can feel and feel strongly both meds working and working well.

I don't know why alone both are thrash all I can guess is they both either poteniate each other or have some kind of magical synergy I don't know why they work so well toghter and I don't care together they have been a blessing for me and I don't question blessings I also to add take with them a single small caffienr tablet for small added boost which i get this med combo hsd given me my life back.

The reason why I even accept to use an maoi and NOT a ssti is aside the damage they caused me I don't like the way they work.ssris go in and target and then pound a single receptor site with nothing but serotonin and serotonin alone they over load the receptor with serotonin without any testing or way of knowing when enough serotonin has been raised 

This just sounds dangerous and read it is I read the constant serotonin overload on a recptor site caused downregulation a actual decrease in serotonin.this isn't good or the fact it can also just over load and kill the recptor 

I read in a medical book a doc who found a man and a year after the man stopping his prozac residue prozac could still be found.

Maois as in the one I take work comptly different they don't target or hit any specific receptor site as well as don't just raise serotonin alone but raise all three major nuetotransmitters serotonin norepinephrine and dopamine EQUWLYvandcsafetlyvad well thank you for reading questions comments or just thoughts are greatly welcomed 

bestVase7265 May 8th

We cannot provide medical advice on this website in any way and aren't supposed to talk about exactly what meds we are on.

I can tell you that self-prescribing is really dangerous. You aren't a doctor and the internet cannot tell you anything in terms of what you should be doing. Only a doctor can do that.

You say that you think what the doctor prescribed was doing damage. What you are doing could easily do more and do that damage much more quickly.

Tell a doctor that what they were prescribing wasn't working properly and explain your concerns. If they don't listen find another doctor.

This process of finding the right meds takes lots of time, sometimes years. I know it is hard to be patient. But please be more careful.@Brklyn1123