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Locations in the World affecting Depression

User Profile: singercrystalspirit
singercrystalspirit March 25th, 2017


In the "old days," you would hear about well-to-do people moving to fairer climates and more pleasant locations when they were dealing with a "delicate disposition" or to recover from a "breakdown."

I am wondering peoples' thoughts on locations in the world that are particularly supportive for healing from depression, particularly the U.S. since that's where I'm a citizen and where the rest of my family is, but I'm also interested in hearing about the entire world.

By locations, I have climate and nature in mind, but I also have the type of people and communities and lifestyle that exist there in mind.


User Profile: crimsonMelon8700
crimsonMelon8700 March 25th, 2017

People from all over the world suffer from depression regardless of what the climat is like.

User Profile: singercrystalspirit
singercrystalspirit OP March 28th, 2017

Hello again :)

I wanted to clarify that I am looking for interesting tips or insights into different parts of the world, especially the US. What are peoples' experiences who have lived in multiple places? Did you enjoy life more in one place than another - if so, what do you attribute that to? If not, what do you attribute *that* to?

I'm also curious to hear if anyone lives or has lived in a place or type of place in which they felt there was an especially strong sense of supportive community... and/or whether anyone has had more success in creating that sort of community in one place than another (i.e. the middle of New York City versus suburban Kansas versus a small town on the Mediterranean coast versus a farm in Indonesia...).

I'm really curious to hear personal experiences particularly any pertaining to depression as I'm contemplating a big move.


User Profile: WGlasser
WGlasser April 17th, 2017

Hi Singer, I wonder if you've attempted a google search of happiest places, countries, states, cities. If we loosely consider happy and depressed on opposite ends of a spectrum these locales might provide some clues. There have been multiple evaluations and they all measure and weight a bit different so you get different results of course.

They also have searchable depressing info on places with higher level of depression and ratings as well.

Country wise, Scandanavian countries esp. Denmark have always done well. Switzerland was honored recently. Areas with high poverty rates, wars, and corruption have always ranked low (eg certain African countries).

In Time mag. recent survey of USA multiple beach areas ranked well. If I were to open up a Depression recovery center and I had limitless funding I'm probably going with a beach area although I would consider a picturesque mountain or lake area as well (Boulder CO ranked high in Times survey).

I wonder if moods tend to be elavated with beach trips. I suspect so, but I haven't researched it.