Drinking and Depression
I've noticed that for years now a hangover following a night of drinking too much with friends seems to effect me a lot differently than it does my friends. Not only am I insanely hard on myself by endlessly going over everything I did or said the night before to evaluate if I should feel embarrassed, but I feel so depressed and ashamed that I can barely get out of the house for days. Mind you I've rarely ever actually said or done anything that I realistically should be embarrassed about; I guaranty my friends have put zero thought into anything I did, they were just having a good time enjoying themselves! But logic has very little to do with how I feel. It takes a couple weeks for me to feel "right" again. Needless to say that because I know this about myself, I almost never overindulge anymore. I'm mostly curious about other people's experiences and if this happens to others?
Hello there, @hdmof83
I personally experience these kind of after drinking depressions but they are rather a result of my supraego telling me I've done something morally wrong. I don't know if that's the case for you, as you are mainly thinking about what others might think about what you did and whether you embarrased yourself or not so that sounds more like a social anxiety kind of thing. When we're anxious we are terribly afraid od losing control and terribly afraid of the unexpected and well.. while drinking we totally lose that control so that might be scary if you think about it..
@hdmof83 what I do know is that drinking tends to make depression worse. If you tend to feel down and then you combine that with a depressant like alchohol it only makes things worse. That could explain it. I'm really sorry you feel all that guilt the next day, hopefully this helps you understand a little bit. Take care.