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whyme11 February 3rd, 2015

Can medications take away your ability to dream? I havent had a dream in I dont know how long. Has anyone else had this problem?

SadicDeath February 3rd, 2015

Be the best Flyer, and for this i need cute legs.

alicedanslalune March 2nd, 2015

I have been in antidepressants for years now and they haven't changed anything about my dreaming habits. I've always had the ability to dream and remember it afterwards - the problem is when they're bad...

Is this something you feel has changed with you? Have you talked to your doctor?

whyme11 OP March 2nd, 2015

@alicedanslalune, no this is the first time I have ever asked. I need to remember the next time to remember to ask. I really appreciate you responding to my post. Thank you.

AlwaysUpFromHere March 3rd, 2015

My medication has caused me to have more vivid dreams.

LatteJoy March 3rd, 2015


It completely depends on the medication that you are taking and how it's affecting your brain. I've been on several antidepressants, and a coupleof them gave me no dreams at all.I am a person who dreams excessively. Most othermedications had little to no effect on my dreams or just made me dream more.

I don't think it is a problem if you're not dreaming. But if you feel if it has caused any other disturbances, it would be best to speak with your doctor. :)

Have a good day! :)))
Take care.

Oak4945 March 3rd, 2015

I have extrememly vivid dreams mostmy 31 years of life. But there were 3-4 years in my 20's where I was onSeroquel, and I didn't have any dreams on that medication. I came off of that medication about 4-5 years ago, and my extremely vivid dreams came back.

I have funny dreams, happy dreams, sad dreams, and re-occuring nightmaresabout my past.Sometimes the nightmares ruin my whole day. It stinks.

whyme11 OP March 4th, 2015

I sincerely appreciate everyone that has responded to this.