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Change of mood - should I go to the Dr?

sashacass March 18th, 2015

Hi all

I have reason to believe I've suffered from fairly frequent bouts of depression in the last couple of years, following on from some spells of depression for a number of years before that. A particularly bad period 6 years ago resulted in me making a major life change by quitting a job that made me miserable and going to university I'd been feeling pretty bad all throughout 2015 so far, culminating in a period a couple of weeks ago where I felt so bad I finally gave in and phoned the GP, but as I didn't feel it was an emergency and wanted to minimise trouble with work, Icouldn't get an appointment at the time I wanted for another 2 weeks. in those 2 weeks I have since gone from uber depressed to emotionally numb to wanting to cry for no reason and back to numb again.

I've not been feeling too bad for a couple of days, though my situation hasn't even improved from how it was 2 weeks ago, so I am not sure what's going on with my brain! Tthe appointment is tomorrow afternoon and I am worried about whether I'll be wasted their time or not. I feel that I could have a depressive incident at any time, particularly at the time of the month and the next time I fail a job interview or recall a distressing incident from my past. Yet as I said, I feel ok at the moment. I don't want to waste the GP's time if I'm "over" it but I think it's entirely possible that I'm not as it's only been a few days. Should I still go?

giggleHoney76 March 18th, 2015

Although it's not the purpose of 7CupsOfTea to offer advice, we can offer suggestions. In that context, I say the answer to your question is 'yes', you should consult your GP and anyone else he or she recommends you consult with.

Any negatively life-altering emotional event should not be treated lightly. Don't concern yourself about wasting anyone else's time. That's their worry. More than likely, they're being compensated for their time. Your concern is - or should be - your own well-being.

I hope you find your peace of mind quickly..

sashacass OP March 18th, 2015

Thanks for your comments :)

Alwaysdreamin March 18th, 2015

I agree with GiggleHoney. We do not give medical advice, however, if you feel that you should, then it is probably a very good idea.