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What triggers loneliness?

dovahAcolyte May 10th, 2022

Anyone else experience the shame and loneliness comes out of nowhere sometimes? Things can be going well, returning to relationships, feeling hopeful and optimistic, then "bam" - the running thoughts take over again. Telling me I'm alone and no one cares. I really hate not even knowing what the triggers are...

What's your experience with this? Do you know what your triggers are? How do you cope and recover?

AoDing May 11th, 2022

@dovahAcolyte I believe you aren't the only person who is experiencing this. To analyze this according to my own experience, it is mainly induced by the fact that you don't have a reliable and stable relationship with somebody or you are just not independent enough. At least those are the factors in my opinion. Since a person becomes independent, he or she would only focus on things about themselves while not the surroundings. And cogitate less, sometimes clever people like you would overthink something and get struggle easily, maybe those things aren't important comparatively to others things. How i overcome it was trying to stay in the place with light or sunshine, listen to some music i like, and stop thinking while i am doing those things. And i soon recovered from this, being lonely isn't poor, can't be longly is poor. The more struggles you face in the life, the more important you need to seek for a stable relationship or trying to be independent. Those are the only ways i can think of and i actually used one of them, it worked. Just some objective suggestions.

sensitiveShade6177 May 11th, 2022

@dovahAcolyteI often encounter the same problem. Whenever this time, I will not listen to psychological hints to myself, release my pressure, and at the same time encourage myself to believe that I am the best, as long as I am full of confidence and do not overcome It's hard not to, sometimes I'll turn off the lights, play some relaxing music, and imagine some beautiful things, such a difficult feeling will pass quickly