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Is it normal to feel lonely ?

NVTita88 January 21st, 2018

Does it happen to everyone from time to time or does it only happen to some individuals?

gene2017 January 21st, 2018

@NVTita88 I think it's normal to feel lonely from time to time. However, struggling with depression and social anxiety disorder, I feel lonely most of the time even when with people who love me or care about me. I think many people who struggle similarly feel the same way.

gentleOrange January 26th, 2018

I would say everyone does on some level. Depending on the person, some may experience it more or just stronger than others. There

MelanieDaniels63 January 26th, 2018

@NVTita88 Hey to answer your question/post I think that it is completely normal to feel lonely from time to time. I know that it happens to me every now and again. It is just human nature and a emotion that all of us feel from time to time, some people may express loneliness differently then others, just as with any other kind of emotion. Do not feel bad or diffrent if you are feeling lonely it happens to the best of us, there will always be somebody that cares. Sending good vibes to you! Hope you have a great day/night.