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let's share our poetry and give each other constructive criticism!

User Profile: PeachyMilly
PeachyMilly December 11th, 2018


User Profile: BookWizard
BookWizard December 12th, 2018

@peachkitty This is such a great idea! Poetry can be an awesome outlet for what people think, myself included. It can take guts to share poetry! My piece is called "A Teenage Figurine", written when I was super stressed about school! Woo!

With my back to the window,

My face to the screen

I sit here and think

I am but a teen

But why do I feel so burdened with life?

Why do I feel I need a cane to lean?

My hair turning grey

A white, shimmery sheen

I have days of homework to do,

I am not a machine

I wake up at night with thoughts of economy

Money flutters in a swarm of green

I just want to run away

And become my own queen

But could I actually do it?

I dont think I have the adventurous gene

So instead, Ill sit here

And write poems obscene

Instead, Ill sit here

As still as a figurine.