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just venting

b1asphemy October 23rd, 2015

everyday i just feel like im existing.

i cant find happiness in life anymore.

my life feels like a black and white movie, so dull and boring.

i dont have friends. im so alone everyday.

to pile on my depression i have my eating disorder and recently started self harming again. i really dont know what im doing.

i always feel like im wearing a mask.

nothing is perfect, i have all a's but i still feel so much guilt and stress.

i feel like the biggest burden ever, i sit at night just wondering what it would be like if i were content and happy with my life.

not sure how im going to get happy again, but im going to try before it gets worse. i would love if you guys could support me to. i am also here to support you guys just as much. have a good day.

optimisticNorth226 October 23rd, 2015

Listen, the best solution to this is this. Here's how I got rid of my mask. Simply, do what you want. Don't fear the consequences. A lot of times when we're wearing masks it's because we're scared people will see who we really are. Why? We're afraid of what they might think, how they might react...etc. The thing is, if you want to get rid of this mask, stop caring. Just do whatever you feel like doing. If you want to talk to someone, go ahead. People actually like to talk. Do something you'd usually be too scared or nervous to do. Black and white is a good description. Do this and you'll add a little grey in there. Then it's up to you to add your own colors. Feel free to contact me

Jared900 November 19th, 2015

Sometimes the masks we wear are doing more harm than good. But like optimistic said, be yourself. I can tell you have a good head on your shoulders by what you've said, and when life knocks you down, get right back up. One of my favorite quotes, is from Alfred in Batman. "Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up." Everything will work itself out. Just stay strong, and never give up. If you need someone to talk to, I along with my fellow listeners here are always available.