You are very strong!
Now, I know you will be thinking, what is he going on about? I have no idea who this person is and he is telling me that I am very strong! I would be thinking the same, in fact, I often do. I suffer from depression and anxiety and I want to help as many people as I can who also suffer from it.
Why are you strong? Well, my cousin committed suicide and never told anyone he was suffering. He wasn't strong, he was weak. Too weak to tell us what was wrong. You guys are reading this, you are still here. That makes you strong. You are dealing with it and that is something that my cousin didn't do. You are showing yourself that you can deal with it and you are making an effort to cope. That is what makes you strong.
What's more, not only are you dealing with it, but by reading this, I can only assume that you are seeking help and advice. You are making an effort to get better and that is an amazing achievement.
So please remember that you are already very strong! You can deal with this and things will get better. I recognise how difficult things can be and I am here to offer help and support to anyone who needs it.
This was really nice of you.
I've been struggling right now and now everyone knows I'm suicidal. Its been a difficult day. I'm sorry about your cousin.