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When does it get better?

Treacle March 9th, 2016

Today I'm at a point where I'm completely exaughsted with this. I feel tired and drained from having to get on with each day feeling the way I do and don't know how much longer I can carry on, is it worth it? Can anyone else relate?

P.S does anyone else have trouble with this app refreshing? It seems to get stuck and then I lose my notifications

cherishedFireworks66 March 9th, 2016


Keep going. It can get better. If you put your everything into it, anything is achievable. I believe that you can get through this and be happy. Good luck xx

PBNB March 9th, 2016

Exact question I was asking myself today, managed to be moving forward for a quite a while, managed to stay positive and worked hard at it. Then today, it just got triggered all again and I feel I'm right back at square 1 again. So frustrating.