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What to do

greeneyes91 October 16th, 2015

After struggling with depression alone for 11 years things are becoming very difficult, just getting through the day is a challenge. I'm on medication, and on the waiting list for counselling... Which is 6-12 week wait at least. My question is how to get through each day until I can get help? I have no friends or family to talk to. My partner is 'sick of it'. Thanks for reading xx

localdreamer2198 October 16th, 2015

I've been struggling with depression and anxiety for 9 years. I feel the exact same way. But what I do is just focus on things. Whatever you do that day just fight to pay attention to it and focus. It gets your mind on something besides the sad mood or whatever. This may not work for you but it kinda helps for me. Also I take breaks through out the day to collect myself. This is just a suggestion. Hope you get better.

affectionateMango6329 October 16th, 2015

I feel abandoned and so desolate. I cant concentrate on anything. It feels like the floor is slipping away beneath my feet. I am waiting but i am hopeless. Ive taking sleeping pills to escape is desolation. There's so much guidance i need but i seem to be taking all the wrong steps and its making me more fearful by the hour. Ive lost a friend .. I cant cope without his support. Please pray tht i am able to have him back somehow :(

fairmindedEnt October 16th, 2015

I know this may sound ridiculous especially since it's hard to do anything when you're depressed. But what I do is, I force myself to go out. And I just go to the bookstore and I grab a book and read. If I already have one of my own books from my personal library I'll take one of those and go to a sunny spot layered with trees so that the light filters through. It's rather beautiful.

And as for your partner. :/

Well, mine finds it hard to deal with because he doesn't really know HOW to deal with it. And it scares and worries him because he just wants me to be happy. So, I'm not really sure what to tell you about your partner. Maybe you guys should go to couples counseling that also does depression? I really don't know. It helps us just to talk about it. Or, rather I talk and he looks at me like I'm a fragile human being. Which is fine. Because I know it's hard for him anyway.

I'm sorry. I don't know if that actually helps at all because every couple responds to depression in relationships differently.

There's this website that I have found to be very useful actually. I'll put the link below:

TheDawn October 16th, 2015

Close your eyes. Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. Slowly. Three times.

First off, allow me to acknowledge and applaud your bravery and resilience. It is hardly easy to deal with the constant drain that is depression, let alone with those who belittle and demean the condition itself. To deal with both, and to do so without support, is Herculean.

Venting helps. Whether it be in a diary, or a blog, or on a site such as this, it allows one better perspective.

Personally, I have found music and herbal tea to be life savers. Plus, books. Nothing that's won a Pulitzer, lighthearted, jovial fiction with plenty of comedy thrown in.

The trick is NOT to go NUMB. Fight against giving into the numbness. Laugh. Cry. Scream, if you feel like doing so, but do not disconnect.

For what Hepburn called the 'mean reds' in 'Breakfast at Tiffany's', keep in mind that such moments pass. Misery. Sadness. Fatigue. All pass.

Above all, have courage. You are stronger than you know.

greeneyes91 OP October 16th, 2015

Thanks for the advice, link and kind words, it's genuinely helpful to have people reply :)