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Ways to distract yourself

EdmondDantes July 21st, 2015


I am in a major depressive episode and my usual ways of distracting myself are not working. I was wondering if anyone had any tips before my mind goes into an even darker place.

Averice July 21st, 2015

Sit down and start writing down everything thing that you can think of to be thankful for. Hands, feet, clothes, anything and everything

niamh333 July 22nd, 2015

Hello @EdmondDantes!

I know that being depressed and wanting to self harm are not the same, but distraction techniques can be helpful in both cases. is my favourite resource for distraction techniques - I know the site says from self harm but the can distract you from anything.

I hope they help, and that you know how loved and cared for you are by me and the entire 7Cups community :) x

EdmondDantes OP July 23rd, 2015

Thanks guys. I appreciate your input

uglyPandaMan July 28th, 2015

Listening to music for me. I think I can't live without music (besides money :P)

BerryTea July 28th, 2015

Baking and painting :)