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Ups & Downs

OhhKay March 1st, 2020

I have good days, and then I have bad days. Thats how it always used to be. But now, Im having good days with sudden mood swings that turn them into bad days immediately. Is there any advice for coping with this? I have some stress & anxiety pills that tend to help sometimes, but other times it takes away the anxiety and leaves me feeling so empty. The emptiness is what scares me the most. When I hit that, I begin to have dark thoughts, and wonder what the point of anything is. This doesnt happen all the time, but lately I believe Im going through a low, worse then ever before. Is there any advice to help me cope with these sudden feelings of emptiness or sadness that tend to disrupt my good days? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

zaatarHoney March 20th, 2020


Going back and forth between our emotions can be pretty exhausting, huh? Many of us can relate to what you're going through. With your medication situation, there's no safe way for us to give you any advice or recommendations-- that's definitely something you should discuss with your doctor when you're able!

I'm not sure if you've been given this suggestion before, but have you ever considered keeping a mood journal? It's a great way to check in with ourselves when we're feeling great, meh or pretty low, throughout each day. We might even start to recognize certain patterns! Like, maybe our anxiety increases more at nighttime, or we feel emptier after interacting socially. Knowing our patterns/triggers can also help us figure out when we could practice certain coping skills to get through these tougher times.

Negative self-talk is unfortunately really common among members of our community, including myself. Creating (or finding) affirmations that you really like can be helpful. Some of mine include:
"I am not here to be perfect. I am here to learn and grow."
Or bc I struggle with some social situations,
"Please protect me from those who are unwilling or unable to see my heart."

What are some affirmations you can think of that would help you challenge your negative thoughts?