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Supportive relationships breakdown

ChristiS April 2nd, 2016

Hi all, I've had two friendships that I relied on to back off (due to their own issues right now) and totally break down in the last week. I'm coping, but am fighting negative self talk, and blaming myself. Any support you might be able to give me...hugs, positive thoughts, prayers, advice...would be wonderful right now.

Sereneshaz April 2nd, 2016


Hi! I'm sorry that you're feeling so down. I'm sending prayers your way

AdVictoriam April 2nd, 2016


Sending you so much love, compassion, and support right now <3 <3

If you ever feel down, please know that there are so many listeners and chatrooms where you can come and stay with us for a while. A lot of people on 7 Cups have been through the negative self-talk, and are even going through it right now. We can relate, and we're here for you