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Rough year, no improvement in site

familydowner December 20th, 2019

Ive been un employed for 15 months now. Exceptions have been a few temporary consulting jobs that didnt last long but keepet the family from bankruptcy.

Haven't had one of those now since October 8.

Lost my insuance November 22 2018. Wasn't able to get ACA / Obama care for family. Got Medicaid for minor child and my adult autistic child that depends on my wife and I. My adult college student who depends on us as well as my wife and I got nothing.

Had a bad stoke Sept 2018, still paying my part after insurance. I think Ive had a few TIA type stokes since but haven't gone to hospital as I haven't paid for last time and have no insurance.

Ran out of depression med Dec 2018.

Tried to get ACA insurance for 2020, church said they would help with our part of the premium for 3 months. Then ACA said we can't have if because 2 people in household have medicaid, if we want coverage for the rest of us we must pay full premiums of $3987 per month, still with $1600 per person deductibles.

The people at State DHSS actually sId if I happen to be driving, have a TIA like episode, loose conciousness and die in a crash my entire family could get Medicaid and my life insurance would pay of exsisting medical bills and the mortgage, that my youngest would also qualify for survior benifits for 8 years until he turns 18.

I have actually worndered if dieing in a crash would keep me out of heaven. If it won't i will have to consider it after Christmas

supportiveSoul9513 December 20th, 2019

Dear @familydowner

I am so sorry. You are going through a lot. I can see it is not easy at all but you have always going a way to keep pushing forward. You are tough and as a Christian, you know you have all the grace you need to go through this and come out on top again. Your big win is ahead of you sir. Don't give up. You are closer to it. Just pray believe and do your best as always. You know nothing happens to you, but for you. This is a stepping stone to your glory sir. Please don't give up. It will pass okay

lavenderpeach1107 February 29th, 2020

@familydowner You have been through so much. I hope you are okay my friend.

bouncyVoice4149 February 29th, 2020


Hello! How are you? I hope your situation has improved