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Please help please

Hope7879 August 14th, 2018

*ttrigger warning *

I am planning to tell my therapist I can't keep myself safe anymore because I was going to end it last night. I can't be in my house because it won't help me I need to tell her Hut I'm scared what will happen I can't be here anymore the world is black and white and I'm walking around dead inside that is what it's like I don't even know what to do.. . Please hhel what will happen I'm scared

rebecca947 August 15th, 2018


Heya, Try! I'm so sorry you're feeling suicidal- if you have a plan and you know you have the resources to act upon it, I urge you to please call your local emergency services and ask for help from them to keep you safe in the moment. The 7 Cups website isn't a crisis intervention site unfortunately, meaning we can't do much as listeners or therapists to help keep you safe if you're past the point of having suidical ideations and thoughts.

If you do tell your therapist, they might do the same thing as I suggested- I can't really say though because I'm not sure of the protocols in every country/state. They do have a duty of care though for their clients, so they have their own instructions of what to do. However, I hope that doesn't discourage you from seeking help yoruself or from your therapist. It sounds like you really want to live, because you're wanting to seek help from yoru therapist and are posting on here, and you almost attempted. It sounds like you're trying to hang onto life with everything you've got, and other emergency and mental health professionals can help to support you. <3

Hope7879 OP August 15th, 2018


I told her I have to go back to respite care

rebecca947 August 15th, 2018


Im so incredibly proud of you for opening up and being so honest about it. It can be so hard to open up, and requires a lot of strength, which is exactly what you have. I hope respite care goes well, and things try to resume back to normal soon afterwards. Take care of yourself! ❤️

rami999 August 17th, 2018

yes you should tell him and discus that with him

Ginge1991 August 17th, 2018

I was where you are now, 6 months ago, i was self harming badly daily, attempting suicide felt the world was black and white, and i had it all planned my death, my funeral day when i wasnt so bad i stepped outside of my situation to find something that was making me feel like this, it turns out i was married to someone with Narcissitic PD and toxity of the marriage was killing me. I kicked him and since then my life great!

There is an end to how your feeling rn and it doesnt need to be a hospital bed or your funeral....step outside and look in; are there any toxic people around you? Do you like your job? Are you where you want to be right now? Do you feel trapped? You are not your feelings, they come and go like clouds, but we feed them with negativity and they grow bigger and have less room to pass.

Find out what is making you feel like this and cut it out. I dont know you. But I Love You, you're beautiful, strong, capable and brave you've got this xoxo feel free to message me anytime xo@imsorryitry