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New life

floatingalong July 18th, 2021

I don't know what to write. This is my new post...​​​​​​​​​​

floatingalong OP July 18th, 2021
So today is 18th July 2021. I am fine. I have been fine for sometime now. I mean my mood theses days is much better than it used to be. The occasional sadness creeping in for no reason doesn't last that long or it isn't as intense as it used to be.yes
floatingalong OP July 19th, 2021
So...19 July 2021. I noticed that if I have a lot on my mind like things related to tasks I need to complete then I will not be feeling low. So just powering through. Don't let my mind wander aimlessly.
Food ( Ate the meals late but still...ate.)
Work tasks