My dad wants to help me but...
...sometimes he makes things worse. First of all I guess, I've been struggling with depression for the last 5 years. I dont really know why or if I do have an underlying cause. So since there was no real trigger for my first major depressive episode, retrospetively Ive come to respect the fact that I'm sick and I need help like any other patient. But Im terrible at self care and it's only gotten worse...
So today my dad decide to preach to me all the things I already know, like how I'm stuck in an endless cycle or how to not be depressed and how I am using my depression as an excuse. It's infuriating because of how much I want to not be depressed. How much him saying that made me cry afterwards and just made me wish I could dissappear for good.
Even though right now my doctor and my mom and vouching for me to try and get a disability income since I can't handle a job and my depression has made me drop out of school 4 times. He told me today that he refuses to call me disabled. I think he thinks that good, but to him it comes down to mind over matter. He thinks I can get a job or go to school without any help. And even though the last time I opened up to him I expressed that talking to him made me feel like I was "crazy" that I didnt have depression and so there must be something else wrong with me now- it's super distressing. I have depression but he doesn't believe in 'having' depression, so I'm left here wondering well if it's not depression-??!!? ?! I hate him for that.
But I get it, he 'believes' in me, he doesn't want to see me fail, he thinks I'll get better. And who knows? Maybe he's right? and so to come down to the point of this...
He's willing to help me with something to help me. I'm terribly overweight but im already paying for a gym membership on my own. What should I ask him to help me with? I'm open to suggestions, he was throwing weight watchers out there, but I dont know. Just wanted to ask this community what they thought could help?
@Coeurderable I'm sorry your dad makes you feel like your depression is invalidated. That's really awful, and it sucks that he doesn't understand what it's like for you. I get how hearing those things over and over just makes things worse, I've definetly been there. It takes effort to go out and learn how to help someone with depression; hopefully your dad eventually accepts what's going on for you so you can help him help you.
That's nice that he's willing to help you with your weight. Maybe a exercise coach or something like that might help? Just a random idea, I'm not an expert. But I hope you figure all this out. Take care!