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My Island

ultratribes August 8th, 2017

(I'm not sure if this image will last forever, please let me know if I need to repost it)

This is something I created, albeit with very limited artistic ability. This is a projection of what my mind looks like from my perspective.

My depression is like being stuck on an island. Im eventually going to run out of resources to keep myself alive. I have to get off this island before I die. But, I dont have a boat. I can swim, but only so far. I will fatigue and turn back, or I will drown.

My depression started as a tiny seed in my mind. A filth-ridden, diseased tree this seed will eventually become. I have allowed that seed to grow into a strong tree. That tree then spread its seeds, and from those seeds, more strong trees grew. Now, I am trapped; lost in a seemingly endless forest with no way out.

I feel as if a demon has infested the very core of my spirit. This demon cannot be reasoned with. It will corrupt me until I succumb, or it is defeated. However, I alone do not have the power to defeat the demon. I need something or someone to help me drive it out forever. What is this thing? Who is this person? Are they real?

Does this demon have a name? Im not sure. I have given it many names: grief, sadness, fear, doubt, pain.

The ocean represents the separation from the outside world. The island represents restriction. The forest represents a pathless destination. The storm clouds represent a restless mind. The fire represents pain. The black arms represent the demon that is keeping me from leaving this island.

ultratribes OP August 8th, 2017

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