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Love Hurts

LynnBerry2701 September 25th, 2020

Just when u thought u are feeling better from depression, something has to happen to trigger off negative feelings that your presence is no longer needed in this world ...

The trigger comes in the form of someone close to u...

Someone who is supposed to take good care of u and give u the encouragement and support in times of need ...

Someone who is supposed to love and cherish u for life ...

cherryshapedtears September 26th, 2020

@LynnBerry2701 feeling abandoned by someone you love truly hurts. I've been there. It's one of the worst emotional pains I've ever felt

ExhaustedPigeon055 September 26th, 2020

@LynnBerry2701 i feel that on a personal level. I recently broke up with my boyfriend and he hasn't been very good at still talking (we are trying to still be friends) and i have never felt so depressed for such a long period of time. And somehow, i still love him. But he hurt me deeply. Just know i feel ya.
(trust me, it gets better over time, though it takes a while)

September 26th, 2020


Yeah they do it just like that. And ir makes us feel like emotional fools.

tluper6491 September 26th, 2020

It's easier said than done but just don't love people. It only leads to pain.