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User Profile: YellowSunshine6
YellowSunshine6 December 7th, 2015

I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this but here goes. For a while now it seems like my days have just been like looking through a translucent sheet. I see things but don't quite take them in. I feel less emotion. Only when I fall into bed at night I think about what happened that day but i can barely remember. I struggle to get out of bed each morning and my alarm has to be set louder and louder everyday. I just don't want to get up anymore for something as meaningless as school. I feel less conected with my friends and try to make myself more distant from them and casually nod along in conversations. I feel terrible as my friend Has gone through depression and I just don't have the energy to listen anymore. My grades are falling and I just don't care. I do less and enjoy nothing more than sitting brain dead in my room on my phone or reading. It's not to say I don't have fun sometimes and smile with my finds and family. It's just hard to see those times ahead through this hazy screen. I've never been diagnosed with anything but from self evaluation I can tell I've gone through some rough things. I just needed to rant here. Xxx

User Profile: AbbieCoombs
AbbieCoombs December 17th, 2015

I hope ranting helped a little I know sometimes we all need to just get things off our chest! I'm sorry you've been feeling this way and please remember you can contact a listener at any time if you need someone to talk to!