Looking for a job with depression
Anyone else looking for a job?
It's taking a bigger toll on me than I thought it would. My sister was diagnosed with cancer right before the first big quarantine so I moved to a different state to be closer to her since i was no longer working.
I've been at it for months and nothing. I finally have my first interview later this week and I'm excited but it's in a feild I have never worked in before and I feel like it is a bit over my head. But I was asked for an interview so they saw SOMETHING in me, right?
i wouldn't wish looking for a job while having depression on anyone lol. It's awful. It has made me feel worthless and unwanted even more than I already do. The rejection is brutal. Hopfully things change and I can get a job I like and get my own place (living with my parents atm).
Anyone rose going through a similar situation?
I haven't been in a similar situation, but I have to say, I admire your courage and strength! Looking for a job can be stressful on its own, but dealing with depression on top of that can be really hard.
I'm really sorry to hear about your sister. I hope things will get better for her and you.
Good luck for your interview and take care!
I just want to let you know, I have been there! I HATE interviews, because of the fear of rejection (which I unintentionally take as failure). Yes, it does mean they saw something in you, yay! Just take it one day at a time, and know you are trying! Proud of you!
@truman98 this is exactly me right now...I had 1 interview so far but then heard nothing back, which just feels crushing....I have more of a problem where I feel so unworthy and unqualified to even apply, some dumb voice in my head keeps saying they'll think I'm pathetic for trying to apply (for things I don't match the exact qualifications for)... it's really depressing on its own, not feeling good enough for anything or worrying that I'll never find a job in the field I'm interested in and that maybe I'll be stuck in something unrelated to my schooling (meaning I wasted all that time and money for nothing), and then trying to search when you're already depressed and have such low energy... it's exhausting. I don't even know what I'm supposed to be looking for
I wish you great great luck on that interview, it's a wonderful first step and certainly means they see something in you