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DepressySpaghetti August 26th, 2020

Anyone else in a state of limbo in terms of their depression? Like I feel depressed but I'm not as bad as I used to be.

My appetite is up and down, I sleep way too much, I'm always exhausted, I'm never motivated.

Like I'm depressed but it doesn't feel as dark as it did? Does that make sense?

Howliteblue August 26th, 2020

Mh-mhm. I know this state. For me it was a good sign. I mean, it was a terrible way to live when I was in it but it heralded brighter days.

I remember thinking that everything was so "meh". I could look at practically anything and go "meh" in my head, not feeling anything. This state lasted for a long, long time, but so slowly I didn't even catch it at first the days got a little bit better and suddenly I was actually enjoying myself.

I can only hope that you're on a similar journey. I know it sucks now. It's a shitty way to live but rome wasn't built in a day and depression wasn't cured in on either. The journey is slow and laboursome.

For what it's worth I was in a very good place until 2 days ago and if this family drama that's dragging me down doesn't do too much lasting damage I feel like I might bounce back to good again so there is that to look forward to if you eventually get out of this limbo on the other side.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. ^^ Hang in there.

DepressySpaghetti OP August 27th, 2020

@Howliteblue yeah I can definetly understand what you mean. Hope your family drama isn't too tiresome, I know it's easy to get caught up in it.

I'm hoping school will help me out of this but thankfully nothing last forever!