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Just one of those bad days...

Blossom27 March 13th, 2021

I just want to share. I’m feeling really down. I’m trying hard not to be. I feel like I don’t fit in anywhere. I pretend I’m close to my family but really keep up this act that I’m okay when I’m with them. It’s getting harder to keep up the act. I’m trying not to cry randomly or say gloomy things around them. Talking about mental health with them is kind of taboo. Believe me I tried. I tried to tell them and all they said was “it’s all in your head” “You’re not depressed” Maybe it is all in my head. I’ve had a bleak outlook on life since I was a kid. I was 10 when I first wished I was dead. And now I’m an adult, just turned 30 and unable to form a connection with anyone. I even moved away from home. Away from everything familiar and haven’t made much progress in my social life besides seeing a therapist regularly for almost 4 years. Therapy has helped me cope with most things... Except days in between my appointments like today. I feel like I’m such a failure. I’m just tired and sad all the time. I want to stop crying during my work breaks and at home. It’s getting harder to make it to work too. Thankfully I have a flexible schedule but in my better days I’d be there at 7am... but lately I find myself coming into work at 9am. I feel like a mess. Thank you for listening.

empathicPudding March 14th, 2021

Sorry to hear you had a rough day @Blossom27 😔. I know some days it just feels like everything is going wrong. How is today going? I hope a little better, but however you’re feeling, that’s okay. Your feelings are real and important, and I’m glad you decided to reach out to share them and connect with us here. 😌

ariamv March 15th, 2021

This is literally me right now I feel the same. The only difference is I don’t go to therapy and I still live at home. I think ur amazing for having ur own place and going to Therapy. Just remember that their will be better days.

oliveLime6932 March 15th, 2021

Bad days aren't always all bad. Sometimes little things go right even on those days. Sometimes it feels like everything is awful and will always be that way. But so far in my older years, I have found that there is always something to be grateful for, even when we feel so down. Oh, and our moods will change and we can make a conscious effort to change our thoughts. With practice, it actually gets a little easier. Hope your bad mood passes and you feel better very soon.