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Just found out I can't have children

Helpfulhope2012 September 26th, 2016

Hey everyone. I'm having a rough time and my depression is coming back along with anxiety. I just want to lay in bed and never wake up some days. I love life I do but I'm so stressed out all the time.. I found out about a month ago I don't ovulate meaning there's no chance I can have a baby unless I take this pill that is supposed to help with fertility. They could also freeze my eggs and my husbands sperm. But that's super expensive. I've talked to my husband about it and he don't want to try the pills and that's really hurting me. I just want to know if the work. I've always wanted my own child. I've always wanted to be a mother. 😭

Hopeful0001 September 27th, 2016


i'm sorry to hear that's happening. I know can be frustrating to find out that the dreams you wanted for a long time isnt possible anymore. I'm sorry to hear your husband doesn't even want to try the pills though. Have you asked him why he doesn't want to? Is it possible that he's afraid of it not working? Worst case come worse how do you feel about adoption?

Helpfulhope2012 OP September 27th, 2016

@HalliwellSister I have tried talking to him about it and he just tells me to drop it. I haven't brought it up again. I would love to adopt one day. Even if I could have my own children I would want to adopt still. But every woman dreams of becoming a mommy

Hopeful0001 September 27th, 2016


of course maybe he's afraid of it not working? Maybe give it time.

sereneSunset97 October 4th, 2016

@Helpfulhope2012 I went through this situation as well. I had to take a pill (clomid) monthly to help and it did! My husband was frustrated with the whole situation, but I had to give him his time to come around. Hopefully everything works out with you guys!

Celaeno February 25th, 2017

@Helpfulhope2012, it was some time ago since you've written this post and I wanted to ask you how have you been feeling lately? Know that you'll always have support of this community.

Also, just letting you know that I moved your thread from the daily check-ins category to the general threads within our sub-community.

Looking forward to hear from you! Hugs!