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I wish it would end all soon..

User Profile: btssavedmee
btssavedmee February 25th, 2023

I'm so sick of it now...I just wish it would end.

I can't take it anymore. How long do I have to hold more?

I realky don't know what I did do to deserve this. All I've wanted is to help people and not want anything bad for anyone. Even tho they might just be using me, I just do it for them since they need help. I try not to hurt anyone. Then why me? Soemone please tell me what I have done. Atleast I should know the reason. Why me? Everyone seems to have a good life around me. Hanging out with friends, laughing and cracking jokes and performing well in academics. Why can't I have anything proper? Why can't anyone understand what I'm going through? Am I that bad to talk to? Why do I have no friends? Why can't just have a genuine friendship? Why can't I have a good relationship with my parents?

How long do I need to wait more? Why are you doing this to me? What do you want from me? I've really had enough. I'm on the verge of breaking completely. Can't you see I've been on my own for so long? Please just stop...

User Profile: CDK1972
CDK1972 February 25th, 2023

@btssavecmee Hi. I totally get all your pain. Trust me. Have you talked to a therapist/counselor/psychologist? What about a Doctor to get some meds? At least for awhile to take the edge off. What about exercise? I walk with a little jogging to get my heart rate up really helps me. Reading also helps a lot. I’m reading g 2 Books. Feeling Good and The 10 Best Ever Anxiety Management Techniques. They are not only self help but they explain how the brain works. I’m here if you need to chat. It will be ok