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TinkyWinkyMLg2014GetRekt December 11th, 2014

I am a person of few words. To make this short, my family has abandoned me and I have no friends. My will to live has basically been tossed out the window. I have no future and will die alone anyway.

Lisaslater29 December 11th, 2014

You sound like you are havinga real hard time at the moment,

I think there are times when a lot of us feel invisible to those around us, when all we want is to have someone to turn to.

have your family abandoned you, or is that how you feel?

What do you do with yourself?

do you work or are you in school?

i don't really know much about your situation, so mine is probably not the same as yours.

but whenI met my husband I moved me and my boy to the other end of the country to live with him, leaving my friends and family behind. I took on my husbands three children and I knew no body. I was very much isolated, I went from having lots of people around me to having no one but my husband and children to talk to. And because of my past my confidence was very little.

Things are completely different now, I have a very fantastic set of friends that support me as much as I do them, I go out now and I am enjoying myself more than I did before I moved.

What im trying to say is that you can turn things around for yourself.

but you need to get to a point where you want to and believe that you can.

if I can. You can. :-)

Jesse93 December 11th, 2014

How has your family abandonedyou?

You still have a life and future ahead of you, regardless if they are by your side or not! Focus on being you, and getting yourself in a healthy place!

Dont give up hope =)