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I'm so sorry. I wish I could love you.

AJayZa June 22nd, 2018

I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I thought I loved you. Turns out I never did. You deserve someone who isn't just obsessed with you but, loves you with all of their heart. Someone who isn't afraid of you and doesn't want to avoid you. Someone who doesn't just want to be friends because they're afraid you will break their heart. Someone who doesn't run away and, wish you lived a million miles away. I wish so badly that I can be that person for you and, knowing that I am not, rips my heart to shreds. I don't know how I convinced myself that I loved you for so long, blind to what I was truly feeling. I thought about you day after day, week after week, month after month but, it isn't enough, you deserve more. You deserve someone who isn't afraid to give their entire heart to you. I feel horrible right now. I feel so selfish. I don't plan on texting you back, I can't handle the shame. I thought I was crazy about you. Turns out I was just crazy. Even though it will hurt to even look at you, realizing what I have done, I would still love to be there for you. I still want to be your shoulder to cry on, I would still love to know everything about you if it's even possible. I'm sorry. I want to love you but, I don't know if I can. Whatever. It doesn't even matter. I don't deserve you anyway. I'm sure you wouldn't even go for a confused, sensitive girl like me anyway. Idk why but, even if you didn't feel the same way, I still would want to love you but, I can't. I'm sorry.

CalmWhisper22 July 21st, 2018


Sorry you are having lots of feelings and emotions about love. You might want to read the book 5 love languages. Another good resource is "Turning your mind" and the other DBT information on their web pages.