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I matter, just not as much...

User Profile: laumarie6
laumarie6 May 14th, 2023

I've come to realize that, no matter how bad I feel, no matter how much I prioritize other people and their needs because I love them, they won't put me first everytime it counts... They might be better without me...

User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 May 15th, 2023


Do not wait for someone to prioritize you......... you need to prioritize you and not only in crisis.... When people act as people pleasers........ they allow others to have a pass ...when people do not put them first when needed

speak up ........and let others know everyone gets a turn as a priority .................. if they do not agree they have an issue not you

User Profile: LadyDannalisa29
LadyDannalisa29 May 15th, 2023

@laumarie6 oh... i really felt this one. I understand where you're coming from because it's exactly the same for me. It doesn't matter what's the situation, the other person is always the most important and my problems can be pushed away for them. I want you to know that you aren't in this fight alone, it sucks, it hurts an awful lot too, but you aren't alone in this. I want to tell you that you don't need others, but i know it's not that simple, so i'll just add that you ARE as important as others, and you don't deserve to feel like you are less, you just aren't :(