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I just need someone 2 talk 2.

User Profile: Todd19722
Todd19722 April 13th, 2014

My name is Todd and I have a lot of bad and unexpected things happen 2 me in the last 3yrs. 1st, I was laidoff my job of 16yrs and, because or my epilepsy, I have a lot of problems that have kept me from holding down a job 2 My Mom passed away in Novmember and, I have never been able 2 show my emotions and lastly, I'm in a real bad Marriage and my unemployment is being challenged by a temp job I had last year and I thought this was resolved. but, they claim they offered me a job when they never did and, they already had fired me.

User Profile: Kristey
Kristey April 13th, 2014

Hello Todd!

I am so sorry to hear about all of this, it really does seem like you have gone through a rough time! You welcome to connect with any one of our listeners and express your emotions to them!

User Profile: Eugene
Eugene April 20th, 2014

Hello Todd. All my sympathies, you have been going through a lot, and I am glad you came here. Hopefully we can make a difference. Epilepsy can be devastating and I hope you can find work in a protective and understanding environment. About it being difficult to show your emotions, I realize it can be difficult but if we don?t other people won?t know need support. I hope the difficulties in your marriage will resolve itself. If not I am sure you know what the answer is for a better and happier future.

User Profile: geminigrl99
geminigrl99 April 24th, 2014

Hi Todd, I hope you are doing better. Sounds like life has thrown alot at you. Hang in there.