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I feel like I can't go on anymore

rera August 14th, 2019

My life isn't what I expected. I planned to get my masters degree in two years and then have a baby, get my PhD and all that. I thought I found my soulmate but I don't know anymore. I'm in a bad place, where I can't enjoy anything. For my birthday a few days ago I cried even tho I went to my favorite place and I looked how I wanted to and I thought I was fine until it hit me that I'm 21 and didn't end it and then I felt useless, like I don't do anything with my life and I'm going nowhere. I'm sick of feeling tired and I feel stupid and like I suck for being ungrateful and not being able to enjoy my life. It hurts so bad it just numbness my heart even more. I'm reaching out because I need to breathe again. And write again. And be myself already!

I have been fighting depression for 8 years, feels like nothing really works anymore. (I am NOT thinking about stuff, I just feel like giving up)

goodoladriane August 14th, 2019


rera OP August 14th, 2019

@goodoladriane yea?

goodoladriane August 14th, 2019

Hey. I tried my best to reply to this post once, and ran into some issues. I read your post, and although this is my first day here, I kinda relate to what your saying a bit. Mostly about the part about how you planned your life out, and it everything but the opposite seems to happen. And the part where you wanna write again. I like writing too. And the part where it says your 21. Im 23. These days I feel anyone under 25, are grouped in the same category as ‘young anyways. I wanted to tell you that although it sounds cliche, you are not completely alone. Sometimes I find myself doing all the things I tell myself make me happy, just to circle around again and realize no one physical thing can ever make me truly happy. It just helps me coast the pain of whatever Im going through at the moment. So your not alone in that sentiment. Or in the fact that this thing called life, can get truly ugly and bring people like me and you to our breaking point. I want you to know, that I feel the same way. And that again, although it sounds cliche you should be really proud of yourself for trying to do something about it. Most people cant, or dont want too. And that takes real strength. To identify the problems within ourselves. Cliche yes. But true. @goodoladriane

rera OP August 14th, 2019

@goodoladriane thank you so much for saying that, it actually cracked a few tears because it's so good to hear it from somebody else

goodoladriane August 14th, 2019

Yeah of course. I downloaded this app for a lot of reasons, but mostly because I agree with the idea. Sometimes we just want to know that were not alone, or that were not crazy for feeling the way were feeling. @rera

scarletOrange1253 August 14th, 2019

@rera Having life not go as expected can be disappointing and even make us lose hope for the future. It exposes the unfortunate truth that we cannot predict the future. It sounds like you are feeling really overwhelmed right now. If you'd like to chat, my listener account is LuminousBraid91.

rera OP August 14th, 2019

@scarletOrange1253 thank you so much. I don't know how to acces that yet, I just downloaded the app.