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I don't know anymore

Malarkey1994 May 27th, 2021

Umm so people hate me, my friends I mean. They think me a person completely opposite to who I am. And I find myself unable to prove them wrong, to show who I really am. So many lies, rumors and gossips about me. I don't think I have it in me to end it. I don't know how I'll be able to walk past them. I don't know. The one that started all of this is so loved. Everyone loves him, respects him. And here I am. Maybe I am wrong. I don't even know. Well if I'm not, the world is damn unfair. If I am, I'll bite. I'll take it. I don't know anymore.

imlistening01 May 27th, 2021

Hey @malarkey1994 (: Thank you for sharing, i know it can be difficult. Having to always be around people who constantly talk about you in an untruthful way must be so frustrating and difficult to deal with, i’m so sorry. You deserve to be yourself without having to fear and listen to those rumours and those lies said about you. I hope you know that we see the real you, and we understand how you feel. You are not who they say you are, you are you, someone who is funny, thoughtful, and above all that so so brave and strong. I do hope things get better for you, and try to continue to share because it helps to let your thoughts and feelings out. You got this. -S x

Malarkey1994 OP May 28th, 2021

Hey, thanks so much for the wonderful words. Have a great day. All lovex❤️