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Ideas for dealing with Depression during the Holidays

curlymint December 18th, 2015

The Holidays are usually the most stressful time of year for me. If I am not careful and sometimes even if I am very careful I get really depressed during the holidays and it's a hole I can spend months after it's over trying to dig my way back up from. It starts about Veterans Day every year and continues until the New Year has fully rolled in.

Anyway, I had an idea for dealing with it slightly different this year. In part, that's because I have decided pretending it isn't going to happen is pointless. In part, that's because isolating through it has never benefited me either. Still, when the whole world turns into a mad house of people running around extra frustrated while trying to get the last of their holiday shopping done... I had to think of something to reduce how THAT adds to MY STRESS still knowing that I cannot change anyone but myself.

So this is what I've been doing and it's working better than expected because November 30th I was in a three car accident that total my car and reinjured my brain. Obviously not as bad as the original one but man oh man did all of it pile up a bit worse with that extra unexpected event and HEY! Let's say "Woo Hoo" because I managing. Brain Injury and PTSD combine to create a perfect storm for depression to fester for me. So my idea was to watch a silly happy movie every day until January 2nd.

I know I know it doesn't sound like much. And that's why I decided it was a good idea. See, usually my attempts at coping are too big and I fail and then I have more bad anxiety and depression about one more thing I screwed up. And THAT is a downward spiral.... we do not want to head down the stairs. We want to head UP the stairs to a safe level of calm. LOL

So I have watched some really silly crap. Tonight was Christmas with the Cranks. Last night was While you were sleeping... which might have been slightly poor form due to the coma part I had forgotten but it was okay because the sappy christmas lovie dovie crap made up for the coma guy. Before that, it was Finding Nemo... yes children's shows are on the list because they are FUNNY and SILLY. I've seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Practical Magic, 50 First Dates, and many more. And I don't know if I actually remember back further because my memory isn't too great, but... the point is... spend two hours a day destressing with big laughs. I watch stuff I wouldn't ordinarily pick because I'm considering it therapy so like medicine I gotta take my 2 hour dose of happy movie and shockingly it's not as terrible as I expected it would be.

This may actually be why I am not currently in the Psych Ward. LOL And I have to admit... I'm laughing more even when the movie isn't on. In spite of extra panic attacks between films.

What are you guys doing to deal with your PTSD during the holidays? I think we should all contribute an idea to build like a data base of ideas for others to use. What works for me one time, may not work the next time so one of the best coping skills I have learned is if it's not working now, try something else until you find what does... and don't be afraid to recycle the duds back through the list of things to try because you just never know if it MIGHT work the next time when an old stand by suddenly decides not to work. I don't ever want to run out of stuff to try because that's when it gets the best of me. Happy Holidays! CurlyMint

Celaeno February 2nd, 2016

@curlymint, thank you for telling us a bit of your story, lovely. May I say that you suggested a great hack for our community's members! Watching silly movies is a great way of relief.

I did a similar thing when I had experienced a recent major depressive episode in summer. I was stuck in my room, barely eating anything or talking to my family. I've watched a ton of anime, like Death Note or Higashi no Eden, and many romance comedies. It sounds silly, but it is really a great way to force your brain to focus on something different than an overwhelming misery.

Sometimes all that counts is survival. Thanks again for posting it, lovely. May I ask how did your streak went? Have you kept going to January 6th?

Wish you all the best ❤️

curlymint OP February 3rd, 2016

@Celaeno It worked pretty well. I was in a contented frame of mind all the way up and past the new year. I also started a coloring app and while it's not exactly meditation.... it's very similarly calming. I have taken art therapy before so I was glad to have something that soothes the soul without having to leave home. I highly recommend adult coloring. If you can't find or afford the books, try free apps on your phone or tablet or there are even websites that allow free coloring online actively. The quality is not quite as good but it's a great option for people who have financial worries that prohibit smart phones. Heading into Feb now and still finding positive things to do for elevating moods.

It would be nice if other members would post things they do to feel better when they are feeling bad. Silly movies is one. Art is an excellent way to get through your own personal "blue period". I like to use my pets as a mood booster as well. Who has something else?

Celaeno February 3rd, 2016

@curlymint, that's cool, my sister loves colouring books. It has a really calming affect for those with anxiety. I myself found that making origami works for me. There is something nice about focusing on the paper before you and afterwards admiring completely new thing in the world that you've just created.

I love about our world that thanks to the Internet we can find loads of resources for free, like colouring books, ASMR videos, calming games, playlists, etc. It can really save our lives.

In this forum there is a thread called "Tiny Little Hobbies" created by one and only @NewRomantic677. Lots of people already posted their own suggestions and ideas for things that distract them in times of distress. Maybe it will interested you ^^

All my love!

curlymint OP February 5th, 2016

@Celaeno Oooo I have been wanting to do oragami. I figured I could learn from Youtube maybe. But all my craft paper is in a box in the basement so I try not to go down there in the winter. Too cold and spooky. LOL I will check it out because I love ideas for hands-on meditation projects. Oh Oh I will post photo. Around Christmas I made some beaded ornaments that were kind of monotonous in a good way.

Celaeno February 5th, 2016

@curlymint, I'm learning from Youtube. And I don't really care if I am able to do it perfectly, because to be honest I don't have any manual skills ^^; But that's alright. I don't aim for nothing more than my own pleasure and entertainment.

I really like your ornaments! The last picture is my favourite one. I can't even imagine how much work you put into them. Well done!

curlymint OP February 6th, 2016

@Celaeno Those a bit labor intensive. It's surprising how hard it is to poke a pin through the styrofoam repeatedly. And the evil twin kittens kept stealing my sequins and beads and playing kitty hockey with them. But I did three and then I said that's enough for this year. I'll make more starting around Sept or Oct for next year. My grandma had boxes and boxes of those she made before I was born.

Anyway I kind of have the same idea with origami... or any craft really... it's more about your personal enjoyment that how it turns out.