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How to Succeed in School Despite Depression?

User Profile: MarianTheSiren
MarianTheSiren October 23rd, 2015

I'm trying. God knows I'm trying. It's just, I can't get myself to sit down to study. And then when I do, I can't focus at all. AT ALL. I sit there and read the same sentence ten times and still think, "what did I just read?" I'm failing college algebra, and struggling to keep up with the classes I like. It's not as if I'm putting off school work for things I enjoy, because I can't focus on things I like long enough to do them. I can't read books I've been wanting to read, I can't sit still long enough to draw anything. I thought about going to the school library, but I don't like being at school. I have class two days out of the week and I end up crying almost every day that I'm there. I feel like I'm slipping through the cracks and no one will believe that it's due to depression because how can I prove that it's depression and not laziness? I also don't want to have to explain, it's embarrassing. What should I do? I don't know how I can be successful like this. I'm in therapy but honestly I feel worse than before. No meds at the moment. Advice?

User Profile: Amelia
Amelia October 24th, 2015


I struggled with a great deal of depression throughout both undergrad and grad school so I understand. *hugs* It is NOT easy. Have you discussed the idea of adding to your treatment team (i.e., a psychiatrist) with your therapist? Also, have you looked into support groups in your area?

Finally, I had issues with my attention span also. I found that I did worse when I "expected" to be able to concentrate. So, I planned not to. I broke up assignments and reading into small, manageable chunks and took breaks when I was done with that chunk. I don't know if this will help you, but it might be worth a try? Cheers to you for not giving up!!

October 24th, 2015

If you think you would benefit from assistance, try and find it. Looking for assistance is not a sign of weakness, but of strength.

Try to remember that of all the people you know, you are the one most deserving of your patience and loving kindness. Try to take care of yourself psychologically & physically.

I would also consider letting your teachers know what is going on.

Be courageous. Be kind to yourself. Consider looking for assistance.

User Profile: MarianTheSiren
MarianTheSiren OP October 24th, 2015

Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. My therapy is an 8 week program, so if I still feel this way at the end I'll probably talk to my doctor and/or find a psychiatrist. I imagine my general practitioner could give me a referral.

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User Profile: MarianTheSiren
MarianTheSiren OP October 24th, 2015

Also, I feel like my teachers won't believe me if I don't have an "official" diagnosis like they do for insurance purposes. I don't really know how to go about doing that.

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User Profile: LethalUnicorn
LethalUnicorn October 28th, 2015

Something that I find helps me is studying with others. Find classmates and sit together and study, when you come across something you don't understand you can ask them, and vice versa. For me this has helped me pass most of my university maths classes so far, especially when doing assignments etc. It has made me feel a lot less "stupid" because I don't feel alone in not understanding everything. The fact that someone is waiting for me has also given me some motivation to get out of bed and study.

I hope it helps you too!