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How do I take that first step?

mjpena97 September 18th, 2020

I've been struggling with depression and anxiety for as long as I can remember at this point. And I don't recall the last time I've wanted to improve upon myself in any way. I don't have the energy or the motivation to seek help or to improve upon myself physically or mentally. I don't have the energy or motivation to really do anything. How did you guys take that first step towards improvement? Because at this point, I desperately need it. I don't know how much longer I can go on like this.

sensitiveSailboat September 19th, 2020

@mjpena97 I have been struggling with depression and anxiety for years and I can relate to the no improvement part so much. I'm writing my own experience here. The things that have helped me so far is asking myself what I want out of my life and the realization that I have to take responsibility for my own life. Wanting to change myself and taking action to change myself are two different things. That's the most difficult part. I have learnt so far is not placing unrealistic expectations on myself, lots of patience, accepting slip ups and dealing with self doubt. Other people may support me but I have to make the ultimate hard choice of working on myself.

Lambiechops September 19th, 2020

@mjpena97 wow. So personally I have been managing my disorder for 10 years? (I'm 23y/o Bipolar 1).

Umm... my first step was expecting I had parts of me I didn't like. Was that easy to accept, no... I went through multiple breakups because of my disorder... I was hiding behind others affection and feeding off their happiness, I'll admit it. I hurt a lot of peoples feelings during episodes. But recently I changed, and I decided I needed "me time." I don't fully know myself because I started getting into long term relationships at 14 back to back... sometimes two weeks apart (4 years, 2 years, 7 months) all ending due to me hiding from who I was... and it would come out when I got comfortable...

I connected with an old friend (who doesn't know I'm Bipolar) and she helped me write down pros and cons of who I wanted to be and who I didn't... I took it very seriously.. I didn't lie, I told her everything I legitimately wanted to change... we are so much closer now...I didn't like who I was becoming. It took me 10 years to accept I had to change. I finally was able to do it, and I'm so proud...

Listeningsarinn September 18th, 2020


hey there! i'm sarinn ^^ welcome to cups!

i hear you, it can feel like getting up everyday is a big enough task to do

and like to do something, to improve, to grow out of feeling unmotivated and pointless... it can seem like a too big thing to do but you are looking for a first step right?

dunno if you are aware of it but you've already taken the first step! you already are seeking support, you are here you "want" to find a way out of struggles and i guess this is the first step for everyone!

p.s. i'll be right here, just a reply away, if you wanted to talk to a friend or would like a hug *sends a tight hug*

roseme September 19th, 2020


I understand that trying to get help and get yourself better can feel like a daunting task. It can be hard to take that first step. You ask how to take that first step... I think by being here and being willing to talk and help yourself.. you have taken that first step.