How Harmful It Is to Not Have Friends in Real Life?
Hellooo! I am wondering how harmful it is to our psychological and mental health if one is unable to form friendships in real life? I have a member question me this and I was blank in thoughts. Any ideas, please feel free to share!
First you have to consider the person's personality to have a proper answer I think. For example I'm an introvert. I feel much happier alone most of the times surrounded with nature or books. So if the person that asked you is an introvert spending more than 50% of your time alone is actually healthy and normal.
However fully anti-social, introvert or not, is never healthy. Humans have the need to be social, is just in us. You can't spend your entire lifetime alone.
I imagine the person that asked is struggling to make friends? Is a matter of finding the right people with similar hobbys and who go along with your personality aswell.
Sometimes is easier to think "pff I don't need friends" but the reality is that we do need them. Even if just one good one.
Hope I helped a little.