Having a hard time.
I feel like all the progress I've made dealing with my depression is failing. I have trouble sleeping, I'm making poor decisions health wise, I feel incredibly lonely even with my friends, and I can't talk to anyone in my life about how bad I feel. I just hold it all inside and it hurts so much to feel this bad all the time. I miss work because I just can't get out of bed and face the world and nobody gets it. Thinking about going out and doing anything exhausts me. I feel so very lost.
@selfconfidentSky2527 Have you reached out to a listener? I'm available if you need some support and help <3
Hi. Althoug I am sorry to hear what you are going through I am glad you felt able to post today.
It sounds like you are having a hard time at the moment but you dont feel able to talk to anyone about those feelings.
I just wonder what you are holding inside and how you cope with those feelings on being lost?
It also sounds like the thought of doing anything is just too much effort, so am I right in thinking this is starting to have an impact on your life?
Well you have found a place where there are people that you can talk to and just to let you know I am a listener here and would be happy for you to message me or reply to this post whichever you are most comfortable with.