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Feel unwanted

Hdool March 25th, 2021

Sometimes i feel like nobody wanted me , Like everyone need me out of their life, I know maybe this not true at all , But living alone with my own thoughts and no body around ,Make it bigger problem.

Please i know there people want me , But where is they when i felt bad and lonely.

(It's just like anxiety things)

March 25th, 2021


Hello Luv, <3 we all feel like that sometimes. You will get through it <3 We are here for you <3

Hdool OP March 25th, 2021


Thank you for your support ๐Ÿ’™

Nowan15 March 26th, 2021

Im in the same boat so i know how you feel. I spend my days wondering if anybody out there even thinks of me anymore. I hope somebody finds you one day. I hope you can find ppl to talk to on here. Im looking for a friend too and am open to conversation.

Hdool OP March 26th, 2021


Hi thank you for your reply ๐Ÿ’•,

It's not just about finding people, it's like been feeling heavy on them ,and like they don't care even if they do .