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Can I stop myself from making mistake?

Den1 October 15th, 2017

hello, my first thread here

I have made a lot of mistakes in my life, but recently I made few big mistakes that are very hard to fix.
I want to forget them and move on, but it seems I can't stop making other mistakes that either I regret it or I feel guilty. So I make something negative in the past, and i make sometime negative again today, and I am afraid of making another negative thing in the future. It has been going on for months

How can people tell to make mistake and learn from it while in reality it is really hard to fix the fatal one?

*Btw, this is not the only problem I have, there are other frustrating things in my head, but this is the easiest thing I can describe right now :(

sorry for my poor english

LilGreenBird October 16th, 2017


Hey there. Sounds like you're having a tough time regreting mistakes you've made in the past.

To be honest, making mistakes is part of human nature. I guarantee you every single person on 7cups has made mistakes before and that they will continue to make mistakes in the future. But it is important to remember that our mistakes do not define us, they are part of the things we do sometimes, but they do not make us mistakes. All we can do is try our best, and accept the things we cannot change in order to move forward. Best of luck!

Broteloo October 16th, 2017

I've found myself making a lot of mistakes in the past. Eventually, this lead to me making no action, as I was thinking "If I don't do anything, there's no mistake to make.". Obviously, this is not the correct mindset. My advice (amateur opinion.) is to pay attention to those mistakes and first see if they were your fault indeed. And if they were how you could have changed it. Once you know how you could've done the right thing. Immediately do something else. This way you won't feel guilty and keep thinking about the mistake. I suggest listening to music that really takes your mind off. Later on, when you're coming to a point where you've got to make a (big) decision, look it through. Try and really focus on the good decision. If you don't make a mistake then, the guilt from previous mistakes will fade easier. If you do make a mistake, have a "f*ck it" attitude. Don't care too much about it (if you can) and again take your mind off it. Eventually, the guilt and the mistake-making will disappear.

Den1 OP October 19th, 2017

thank you for you answers.

I understand that I have to let go my feeling and try to not take it deeply. It is just hard everytime I want to forget, other bad thing keeps happening and they prevent me from trying. I will try not to give up and learn to control myself.
thank you

dailyfight October 20th, 2017

@Den1, I can so relate to this! I feel like for the last two years, every time I have been faced with a decision, I have made the wrong choice. I am now hopeless about things ever getting better and afraid to make any decision at all. My home life, work life and spiritual life have all been affected. It is kind of unbelievable to me, that moderately bad things just keep happening.

Den1 OP October 23rd, 2017

@dailyfight thank you, glad someone can feel the problems.
It is easy for other people to tell to forget/learn/fix the mistakes, but in fact there are no time for that as we keep dealing with problems. Also it definitely affects our decision-making ability in the future. Once I said to myself that nothing worse can actually happen again, but it keeps going on and on