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At a Loss for how to begin

ChasingStorms November 8th, 2017

I've already lost a week to write for Nanowrimo and I don't know how to begin my story. It is about a Transgender college student struggling to find where he stands in his dance classes. He struggles with depression, anxiety and gender dysmorphia. There will also be romance involved with another male. But I seriously can't think of a beginning.

amiablePeace77 November 8th, 2017


hello storms, when i read your description i instantly thought that i would love to read that novel , sounds like it will be a sensitive, romantic novel. i can imagine that finding the right words to start with is very difficutl. May be you know already what you want to say in the main part and how it will end. i press my thumbs that you will find the beginning soon. Good luck 🤞