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Am I extremely lazy or am I depressed?

User Profile: TheaLovegood
TheaLovegood January 21st, 2017

For the last nine months, literally all I have been doing is laying in my bed. Out of 24 hours a day has, I spend 22 or maybe even 23 (or even more) in my bed, on the Internet, every day. I only go out when I have to go to the store, which is about a minute and a half away from my home, but even that represents a burden to me and it takes me hours to get myself up and do the task. Other than that, I don't leave my room. I try to avoid meeting with friends as much as I can. I make up excuses why I can't go meet them. Only for few rare times in these last nine months did I genuinely want to go meet a friend. My mood is as low as my self esteem, and my self esteem is non-existant, except for periodical moments during which I may have high opinion of myself, but such moments last for few hours at most, if even that long, and it's more of a feeling than an opinion.

I feel terrible about this, I know that I am a useless member of my family. I try motivating myself to start studying (programming, which I can do online), I fail. I try forcing myself, I fail. So nothing works, neither positive attitude, nor just trying to do thing using will power, no matter how much I don't feel like doing anything, but no progress. But when I think about it, I only want to change not to disappoint my mom and to help her, but if it was just for me... I don't care about myself, nor my life, at all.

But why can't I change? Why can't I persist doing the right thing? Am I just lazy or is there really something wrong with me?

User Profile: MusicCandy
MusicCandy January 22nd, 2017

I am so sorry to hear about how hard it has been for you to try to function for such a long time.I am not a Listener, or a therapist but it sounds to me like your struggle goes beyond laziness, since you do care about wanting to change and you have tried several ways to overcome it. Have you explored some of the resources here - there is a self help guide and a single path for depression. You might find it helpful and clarifying to see if that sounds like you; and if so what steps might you take. I wish you well. You aren't a bad person and I know there is underlying strength that is just waiting for the right avenue.